I search the little man

Опубликовано 14.09.2008 tavig19580715
Метки: sport, vzochat

I search the little man his name is Manuel Mucheta Cureva. It comes from Mozambique (capital Maputo), that in Africa. There was it student BGU in Minsk with 1988 for 1993. Wished to finish also postgraduate study at faculty of history of philosophy and logic in the same place, but has not developed. Then studied in postgraduate study since 1997 somewhere in Russia. Since then I have lost touch with it. And very much it would be desirable to restore dialogue. Who can knew, met, studied with it and contact will help to come into? In a Latin the name looks so: Manuel Mucheta Cureva, (Maputo, Mozambique) I in My World - http://my.mail.ru/list/tavig/ 8)


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