Опубликовано 29.08.2009
Настроение: Busy and Stressed!.
Музыка: Unwritten (Natasha Bedingfeild).
I like to view the lyrics of the song and try to understand it, so I can feel it while listening to it. Well, sometime it is easy to understand, but it is so hard to do it in real life.
Anyway, listening to the music help soothing the pressure after a busy, stressful day...............oubt:');">

Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten