Happy New Year with VZOchat 7!

25-12-2009 တြင္ တင္ထားသည္။ vzo_team
Tags:700, beta, features, release, vzochat

Hello everyone,

We are proud to present you new VZOchat beta version 7: easy to use, faster and more comfortable, specially designed to meet tomorrow video conferencing software requirements.

This beta will also be a base for future cross-platform versions of VZOchat for Mac OS X and Linux.

It's only a beta, it may have some bugs and doesn't have some features. We have a lot of work ahead and will very appreciate your feedbacks and bug reports on VZOchat 7 Beta, thank you!

You can download new beta version VZOchat 7 and see its screenshots on download page.

Happy New Year 2010, dear VZOchatters!

With best regards,
VZOchat Team


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