pictures from my travel to Smolensk

04-03-2008 တြင္ တင္ထားသည္။ stass
Tags:photo, travel

Some pictures from my travel to Smolensk church of St.Michael Archangel, XII century: church of St. Michael Archangel church of St. Michael Archangel - 2 in the tower: in the tower St.Peter and Paul church, XIIth century: St.Peter and Paul church, XIIth century city wall: city wall cathedral: cathedral


on 01-01-0001 ေျပာသည္။
sei ko on 20-07-2008 ေျပာသည္။
so i amazing i never see this image if u not share this. so many thank
stass on 05-03-2008 ေျပာသည္။

Nice Pictures! Thanks 4 ur sharing....!!!

stass on 05-03-2008 ေျပာသည္။

What have you forgotten in Smolensk? And where a photo at a wall? And the Catholic cathedral saw? And where a monument to Vasily Terkinu? Also there is no photo of Dnepr.

I like to travel different cities. Vasily Terkin monumenty is not too histric, I think, and Dnepr was cold and justa normal river. Maybe I missed catholic cathedral
ssml on 05-03-2008 ေျပာသည္။
Nice Pictures! Thanks 4 ur sharing....!!!
AlexAnt Testing on 04-03-2008 ေျပာသည္။
What have you forgotten in Smolensk? And where a photo at a wall? And the Catholic cathedral saw? And where a monument to Vasily Terkinu? Also there is no photo of Dnepr.

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