Let go....................

18-06-2010 တြင္ တင္ထားသည္။ planetstars
စိတ္အေျခအေန: Extremely complicated. ဂီတ: Let Go (Ne Yo) .

Yesterday, I was so down, so down, but, one small thing cheer me up and totally forgot about my sadness within seconds (Yeah,,, it was his laugh, happy laugh).......The feeling was so strong, it make me more certain what really make me happy.

I am going to fight alone....................

I am going to be strong....................

I am going to make him happy with worry free........................

I am going to let him walk with his partner with both hands free.............

I am going to have to let go.................................

Let go my jealousy, let go my weakness, let go my hand so he can be free.................................for his true happiness!

All because his happiness is my happiness!

but, I am not going to let go my love and care for him.

I am just going to stand by for him the rest of my life without interfering his happy life.


Let go........................................................






on 01-01-0001 ေျပာသည္။

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