VZOmobile 1.2 (new release)

19-02-2009 တြင္ တင္ထားသည္။ mobileteam

VZOmobile 1.2 is released.


  • New improved interface and usability.
  • New devices were supported.
  • Configurator is moved to main application.
  • Camera test is added.
  • New web site with device ratings

Try it right now, the first mobile video chat!

Мобильный видео чат версии 1.2 - выпущен.

Из изменений:

  • Новый интерфейс, улучшено удобство использования
  • Добавлена поддержка новых устройств
  • Настройки и программа объединились
  • Добавлена функция теста камеры
  • Новый веб сайт с рейтингами и описаниями коммуникаторов

Попробуйте новый мобильный видео чат - VZOmobile.


on 01-01-0001 ေျပာသည္။
vuzenica on 24-03-2009 ေျပာသည္။


SAMSUNG Omnia I900 work with VZOMobile 1.1.

gabistein on 23-03-2009 ေျပာသည္။


I'm using a Samsung I900 Omnia. Since the version 1.2 I don't see anything on the screen during a call (black screen). But the camera is working. In the 1.25 version the camera is not working and the screen is black during a call.

It was working with the previous version.

quasiexistence on 19-03-2009 ေျပာသည္။

Однако, прогресс и существенный! Моё HTC Touch Cruise уже звонить может, это плюс по сравнению с бетой. А вот поворот на 90 градусов что-то не работает на передней камере, кажется. А так, вроде, ничго. Ещё потестируем.

casouzaj on 06-03-2009 ေျပာသည္။

Version 1.2, like the previous one, doesn't select the front camera on my i-mate Ultimate 9502, loaded with i-mate's official 01.77 WM6.1 ROM, although the corresponding tweak is set. Please, make it work on your next release.

bsnapper on 05-03-2009 ေျပာသည္။

Please get it to work on the Samsung i900. I can't wait, it's going to change the way i use my phone, I'm never going to make a voice call again.Badgrin Also any chance it's going to work on the Blackberry Pearl?

mobileteam on 28-02-2009 ေျပာသည္။

Chat will be in 1.3 version.Smile

Viktor Madarasz on 20-02-2009 ေျပာသည္။

I hope the next major release gonna contain the Chat function for Mobile users as well... :-)

Excellent job anyway...Pleased with it...



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