I love more than my computer

12-07-2009 တြင္ တင္ထားသည္။ boedaw1342
စိတ္အေျခအေန: .
Tags:i love more than my computer


I love more than my computer.Believe me, It is true!You installed the best in me.Your clicked my heart gently.Whenever I see you, you drive me crazy.Your love rest my life and deleted all the sadness in me.You restored my kindness after I thought it was corrupted.I’m alwa ys connected to you with mere than 56heartbeats per second.You hacked my brain and registered your name in it.You are the only one that could navigate my feel lost when I try to call you and you are not responding.

I always feel you close to me when I shut down my eyes, or when I open my windows waiting for you to pass. You are the only one that can log into my heart and log out. I dream of being your only server as long as I live. You don’t have to search for me,`cause we are always linked to each other. I see your name everywhere –my frontpage, my homepage,and all my software. I seanned my life and found that I’m only infected by you.You are the virus I would never remove, and why should I? You formatted my life and added happiness to view.Believe me it’s true! I love you more than my CPU!


on 01-01-0001 ေျပာသည္။

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