အေၾကာင္းအရာ မရွိပါ။

28-11-2008 တြင္ တင္ထားသည္။ kzinmyo


on 01-01-0001 ေျပာသည္။
gegegerianian on 03-02-2022 ေျပာသည္။

"I have a question, what is compare and contrast?" - We follow the rules of academic writing to prepare a paper that will get you a good grade. We have native English editors whose job it is to correct grammatical errors and other basic errors to ensure a flawless experience.

Saw Henry Aye on 08-06-2009 ေျပာသည္။

Is that ur real photo?

youtsoelay7 on 22-05-2009 ေျပာသည္။


Kyaw Min on 13-03-2009 ေျပာသည္။



vosein saidov on 30-11-2008 ေျပာသည္။
My name's vossein from Tajikistan, I got your contact details at (vzochat.com) and I'm interested in knowing you & being friendly with you . I would appreciate if we get acquainted as soon as possible, you can reach me through my private e-mail stated below so that we can get to know each other better. My e-mail (killerboy08@bk.ru) I quite believe that we can start from here since it takes one to know someone. I want you to understand that race or distance does not matter but loving and caring matters a lot in life. I look forward to hearing more from you soonest. ok byee take care
karan1111 on 30-11-2008 ေျပာသည္။

    kzinmyo ေျပာသည္:


    nyipu7 on 30-11-2008 ေျပာသည္။
    Hi myo, I would like to be friend with you.I'll be very glad to see your photo. I think that you will be Korean actress.Isn't it true?And also I would like to know your mail.Could I get it?You can contact me zinyeminn@gmail.I'll be waiting for your mail.
    moungmoung22 on 29-11-2008 ေျပာသည္။
    win4243 on 29-11-2008 ေျပာသည္။
    Hi Myo, You are beautiful girl. (usa)
    kyawmyatsoewin on 29-11-2008 ေျပာသည္။

    kzinmyo ေျပာသည္:


    ma ma an yan la tal .....

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