One Friend

Išsiųsta 2009-07-22 iki planetstars
Nuotaika: mixed. Muzika: One Friend (Dan Seals).

I always thought you were the best

I guess I always will.

If I had only one friend left, I'd want it to be YOU.

I always thought you were the best
I guess I always will.
I always thought that we were blessed
And I feel that way still.
Sometimes we took the hard road
But we always saw it through.

If I had only one friend left
I'd want it to be you.

Sometimes the world was on our side
Sometimes it wasn't fair.
Sometimes it gave a helping hand
Sometimes we didn't care.

'Cause when we were together
It made the dream come true.

If I had only one friend left
I'd want it to be you.

Someone who understands me
And knows me inside out.
Helps keep me together
And believes without a doubt,
That I could move a mountain
Someone to tell it to.

If I had only one friend left
I'd want it to be you.

Someone who understands me
And knows me inside out.
And helps keep me together
And believes without a doubt,
That I could move a mountain
Someone to tell it to.

If I had only one friend left
I'd want it to be you


ant 0001-01-01 sako:

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