Are you in love?

Išsiųsta 2008-11-11 iki marukosan2008
Nuotaika: so sad. Muzika: lonely.

If you're falling in love, -you'll find yourself talking to or telephoning the person for no reason.( You might pretend there's a reason, but often there's not.) -you'll find yourself bringing this person into every conversation.("When I was in Mexico-," a friend begins. You interrupt with, "My boyfriend made a great Mexican dinner last week.") -you might suddenly be interested in things you used to avoid.("When a woman asks me to tell her all about football, I know she's fallen in love," said a TV sports announcer.) OK, so you've fallen in love. But falling in love is one thing, and staying in love is another. How can you tell, as time passes, that you're still in love?


ant 0001-01-01 sako:
babyever ant 2014-04-26 sako:

Hello am Fatou,
I saw your profile today and became interested, i will be happy to know more about you, please contact me on my private email address above. ( ) please i will like you to try and reply me direct to my email address  so that i will give you my photo for you to know whom i am, thank you as i wait for your reply, and please do not ignore my request, waiting for your reply.

marmande ant 2009-01-20 sako:

It's true. Some like to pretend for what they really need.

marukosan ant 2008-11-11 sako:
you think you're falling in're really attracted to a certain person. but this has happened before, and it was just a "crush". how can u tell if it's real this time?

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