User’s survey

Posted on 12/3/2008 by vzo_team
Tags: vzochat

Dear our users! Thank you for making VZOchat so popular! We are planing to add some new services to our video calls system. Some services will be free of charge and some for affordable sum of money. Please take part in the our survey on the community page. It’ll let us know your needs. The survey located in the left part of the community page. Thank you. PS: If you need any other services, let us know it in the comments to this post.


on 1/1/0001 says:
jamlazevedo on 2/26/2009 says:

I have the same problem with my tytn II

enriquemovil on 1/12/2009 says:

Nop, 90 degrees the top of my head to the left, my chin to the right of my pocket screen.(the video of the other person and the screen is straight)

mobileteam on 1/11/2009 says:

You mean 180 degreed (up side down)?

enriquemovil on 1/6/2009 says:

Hi, I have a HTC TYTN II, and the vzomobile works, but when using the front camera, the image is rotated 90 degrees...

VZOchat team on 12/9/2008 says:
Thank you for your reply!
craigtest on 12/6/2008 says:
vzochat is great! I have tried skype, messenger live, sightspeed, tokbox, and others, none work as well on a wireless connection with limited and low bandwidth. Whatever new services you add, please ensure there is no increase in required bandwidth. Sound is occasionally delayed, maybe an improved codec would help. I have the widget on my website as most people I chat with are not technically competent. It would be even better if the widget did not require an active x download as this is the only problem encountered by people trying to contact me.

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