WAO-global မွ ပဲ့တင္သံမ်ား
Posted on 8/8/2010 by
Tags: ျပည္သူတို႔၏ပဲ့တင္သံ
WAO-global မွ ပဲ့တင္သံမ်ား
WAO အီးေမးလ္ group ထဲမွ ေဆြးေႏြးသူမ်ားကလည္း nick name မသံုးဘဲ အမည္ရင္းျဖင့္ ေဆြးေႏြးၾကျခင္း ေၾကာင့္ ပဲ့တင္သံမ်ား ေဖာ္ျပရာတြင္ အမည္မ်ားကို ခ်န္လွပ္ထားခဲ့ပါသည္။
Dear WAO members,
The arrest of Venerable U Panyasara is of course a great concern for all the
Arakanese. Is there any scope for WAO to do in this matter?
Please see the latest news at http://burmese.dvb.no/news.php?id=11711
Hope to hear on this issue from WAO.
Ven (…………&hellip
ၾကားရစြာတိကလည္း အားလံုးကသင္ခန္းစာတိပါရာေယ၊ ေနာက္ဆံုးမွာ ဒိုင္ စားလားခေရ မဟုတ္ပါလားေယ။ ယင္းအေခ်အားလံုကေတာခါ စစ္သားစုေဆာင္းေရ သင္တန္းေက်ာင္းကို အခ်ိန္တန္ေက ေရာက္လားလိဖို့လို့ထင္ပါယင့္။ ေအဟင့္ အတြက္ တစိတ္တေဒသ ေဖးခ်ာေထာက္ပံ့ပီးေရNGO ကိုယ္စားျပုေကာ္မတီမွာတာ၀န္ရွိေရလို့ထင္ပါယင့္ေထာ။ ယင္းအေခ်တိကိုျပန္ရဖို့နန့္ ေက်ာင္း အယင္ပိုင္လည္ပတ္နိုင္ဖို့အတြက္အားလံုး၀ိုင္းျပီးေက စိုင္းစားကပ္ပါေမဟန္။
ဆရာေတာ္ကိစၥကို တပည့္ေတာ္ရုိ ့တနည္းနည္းနင့္ေတာ့ကမၻာသိေအာင္လုပ္သင့္ေရလုိ ့ျမင္ပါေရဘုရား။
ေရွ ့ခုိးဦးခုိ္က္လွ်က္
ဒကာ (………….)
Dear Taga (………&hellip
It is high time to do something. Your initiative will be appreciated.
Thanking you,
Ven (………….)
Dear Ashunphura and Sara:
We, the Arakanese abroad, are very much confused with the story.
Anyway, you, the people from BD are getting clearer picture of it.
We are taught that a historian should behave like a judge. We must
listen to both sides. Thanks for the message. More information will
be appreciated.
Dear (…………….),
Apart from the confusing stories from both sides about the recently arrested monk, there is one truth for Arakan and the Arakanese people.
It is the confiscation of the Arakanese national and cultural heritage by SPDC regime from the Arakanese monastery.
It is learnt that the monk has a great collection of priceless Arakanese palm-leaf and parabaik manuscripts of hundreds in volumes in the fields of history, royal administration, traditional laws and customs, indigenous medicine, religious chronicles, mythology, magic, astrology, literature and apocryphal Buddhist texts.
Therefore, as you are an Arakanese historian and a professor in international cultures, I hope that you should have some consideration on this inreplacable loss of Arakanese cultural heritage beyond the confusing stories that you are hearing from both sides.
Best regards,
Dear (………………..),
We, in BD haven’t heard the other side story that you got. But the fact is that U Panyasara had a huge amount of priceless books, manuscript, stone inscriptions and many more including ancient Arakanese coins that had already fallen into the hands to those devils. I had the privilege to see some of those materials in the late 90s. I'm also indebted to him for sending me many books for the Arakanese Research Society library.
It is know that he has been disrobed without maintaining the lawful procedures. There are also many modern San Ra Phways among Arakanese including some (so-called Arakanese) monks to officiate in disrobing him in the police custody.
It will be highly appreciated if you could share the information that you got the other side story to me personally.
Thanking you,
Ven (………………….)