Avast Last Update False Positive on VZOchat

Geschrieben am 03.12.2009 von vzo_team
Tags:avast, detect, vzochat

Tonight Avast Antivirus has released a 091203-0 update of its VPS which have caused many false positives issues with "Win32 : Delf-MZG" in .EXE files, among them VZOchat.exe.

You need to know that this issue has nothing to do with quality and security of our products, we always check all our release and they contains no dangerous or malicious code, no hidden adds, no modules for tracking users.

Please update your Avast VPS bad release 091203-0 to the latest release 091203-1 where this issue was fixed.

You can read more about this problem at Avast developers forum, thanks.


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