New FAQ version

Geschrieben am 21.10.2008 von vzo_team

We are writing a new version of our FAQ. Please let us know if we forget any impotent questions. You can comment this blog or write us a feedback. Here you can see a list of most Frequently Asking Questions. Common 1.What is VZOchat? 2.Why do I need to register? 3.Is my privacy protected? 4.How much does it cost? 5.How does it work? 6.What is VZOchat Community? 7.Where to look for help? Account 1.How to register a new VZOchat account? 2.How to change information in my profile? 3.How to change my account settings? 4.What is Display Name? How to change it? 5.How to add friends to my contact list? 6.How to delete somebody from my contact list? 7.What is “Friends of Friends”? 8.What is “Black List”? 9.What is the difference between Friends and Contacts? 10.How to manage e-mail notifications? 11.How to delete my account? 12.How to change my VZOchatID? 13.How to change my e-mail for notifications? 14.I forget my password. What should I do? 15.Somebody created account with my data without my permission. What should I do? Calls 1.How to make a call? 2.How to answer the call? 3.Can I answer the call automatically? Group Video Conferences 1.How many people can participate in the group video conference? 2.What's the difference between mode “6x6” and “2x120”? 3.How my computer loading is changing while I participate in group video conference? Privacy 1.How to get rid of unwanted calls? 2.I don't want to see on your site any materials that is suitable for adults only. What should I do? 3.I'd like to see on your site any materials that is suitable for adults only. What should I do? 4.I'd like to report about abusive behavior of some user. Where should I send it? 5.I'd like to block some user. How to do it? Community 1.How to find somebody? 2.Why some users in they profiles do not have a Call button? Blogs 1.Why do you need Blogs on VZOchat? 2.How to write a post? 3.How to comment? 4.How to manage e-mail notifications about new comments? 5.How to insert a photo in post? 6.How to insert a video from youtube in post? Photo Albums 1.How to add photo to my album? 2.How to browse other users photos? 3.Can I comment photos? 4.How to manage comments to my photos? Software 1.How to make sure that I have the latest version? 2.Why LED on my webcam is always on while VZOchat software running? 3.How to uninstall VZOchat software? 4.How to add somebody to address book? 5.How to delete somebody to address book? Web Widget 1.What is Web Widget? 2.How to insert Web Widget to my web page? Mobile client 1.What devices are supported? 2.VZOchat mobile is now available for testing. What do you mean? 3.Where to report about problems? 4.Where can I call to from my mobile device with VZOchat mobile?


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