Sweet words

Geschrieben am 01.03.2011 von planetstars
Stimmung: complicated.

It is always so nice to hear sweet words...isn't it? It is also nice to say sweet words to the person who you care for, so they can feel your heart, make them happy, especially when you are a million miles a way. However, Sweet words are only sweet when the recepient care for it, otherwise, they become  nonsense words, stupid words, sour words, bitter words, heavy words, annoying words.......

Remember, when you feel that your words are no longer sweet for the other person, you better stop saying it or you'll becoming a hateful person, annoying person. Trust me....if you keep doing it, you will even hate yourself.

Love..... a very strong word.....If you don't mean it, don't say it, but don't abuse it.




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