
Geschrieben am 21.11.2009 von zaw_martin


Auf 01.01.0001 Sagt:
sofiababy Auf 17.12.2009 Sagt:

hello sweety
compliment of the day to you.my name is miss Sofia i am 23yrs old, i went through a profile that speaks good of you  i took interest on it .if you dont mind i will like to know you much better. i came on line to search for a true love,for my missing bone, for my loss Angal.if you are that my bone i have being searching i will be hapy to see you writing back to me at my private e mail encluded. so that i will tell you all abaut my self and also send a picture of my selfe to you (sofiaamudu4@yahoo.com) GODbless you as your replying to me , take care. best regard miss Sofia

ahmd056 Auf 21.11.2009 Sagt:

What is the benefit of Play and you do not know Do you go to heaven or to hell


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