World Arakanese Concern to Release of Ven. Pinnyasara

Posted on 23/08/2010 by kyaukphru
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August 22, 2010

Saturday, August 21, 2010, the Meeting of the World Arakanese successfully held via teleconference and it was sponsored by World Arakanese Organization accordance with format agenda and schedule.

The major purpose of teleconference agenda discussed about the concerning of Ashun Pinnyasa, the head of the Mahamuni monastery, who has recently apprehended by Burmese Military Government also known as State Peace and Devolvement Council (SPDC) on July 27, 2010.

During the meeting, Dr. Aye Kyaw was a responsible person as Speaker and U U Sein Tun served as Master of Ceremony. Both Arakanese National Leaders Dr. Aye Kyaw and Dr. Aye Chan expressed their deepest concern the arrest of Ven.Pinnyasara, included the seizure of Arakanese national antiques, materials and Arakanese orphans.

Ashun Pinnyasara, 57, is one of the famous Monks of Arakan and he is highly esteemed by Arakanese people due to his good morality and selflessness. As antiquarian and historian, he collected the lot of valuable curios and palm leaf inscriptions which are all Arakanese ancient materials as evidences and documents. And he was taking care 120 children, whose parents are lost, in his monastery like orphanage.

Burmese military personals occupied his Buddhist monastery, all ancient materials of his properties which are belonging to Arakanese National and 90 of his orphans were sent to Mandalay and Maguey far away from their native place of Arakan by Burmese Army. He is sued by unacceptable Seven Cases of lawsuit by Burmese authorities who have created a lot of issues among the Burmese and Arakanese. He recently transferred from Police Station I to Akyab jail and he was faced two times had summoned for jury to the court of Akyab.

As the expression of Arakanese concern to release of Ven. Pinnyasara, all attendees have unanimously made decision to be created and published web email signature campaign globally and Arakanese should be united as this is our cause of national.


on 01/01/0001 says:

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